Tag Archives: Holidays

Some Bunny Loves You!

15 Sep

Remember that Etsy custom order I made a bit ago of Nicholas the Bunny from Richard Scarry’s book?  Well, I really could not live another *second* without creating more little bunnies, so I simplified the pattern a bit and made a few more!

This one went to a baby girl who will be joining us on Earth very shortly (congrats, Eric & Regina!)


And *this one* just happened to decide he wanted an ice cream cone and a set of fingerless gloves & winter headband to match!

Purple Tweed Bunny Man!


I’m not going to show the gloves or headband because, well, someone is getting it for Christmas and part of the fun of presents is the surprise. But just so you know, they totally match Mr. Tweed. =)

Good Lord! I Have A Blog!

13 Sep

How do you like that?  A BLOG!  I should probably post some things occasionally; I hear that’s how this whole blogging thing works.  AAAAAnd, since I really failed at posting this summer, I’ve got a ton of cool project stuff to show you, so the posts will be prolific for a while! Yay!

Let’s start with this. It lived its first life as a horrible (HORRIBLE) fake oil painting of a little boy that our neighbors unceremoniously dumped in the trash.  Can you guess what it is now?

Well, friends, I’ll tell you.  It’s a triple threat: part wall-hanging, part earring holder, part AWESOME!

And SOMEONE will be getting it for Christmas (although I’m keeping my owl earrings – they’re too awesome to share).  =)

I made a free standing earring holder too:

No tiny pictures to display? No problem!

I’m not sure you can see the earrings in this shot, but they’re my absolute favorite pair – they’re little olive trees – Husband got them for me when we were on Honeymoon in Spain & Gibraltar, and I wear them *almost* every day.

I found a pattern to make these on Ravelry (here’s the link: http://www.stitchdiva.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=FREE011), but I ended up using my own pattern in the end – it’s the same general idea, just a different stitch.

I may make a few more of these – they’re a really cool way to use up frames that don’t match your decor (or frames that have weird shaped picture slots) and they work up really quickly! Upcycled organizational gifts, hoooooooooo!  =)

Itsy Bitsy Snoopy

24 Aug

I finally finished my teenity tinity Snoopity doll! Hooray!

Snoop, there it is!


You can snag the pattern from My Etsy Shop for a few bucks, or send me a message if you’d like the little guy in finished product form.

The pictures didn’t turn out so great; I blame autofocus. I’ve already given little Snoop here to Brother (Huzzah!  He got his entire Christmas present in under a year!), so I’ll have to remember to take better pictures next time I make one.

I don't know...there's just something about teeny tails that makes me squeeeee!


This whole MySpace picture thing is getting to be a regular thing with my dolls... tee hee!


*Whew!*  2010 Christmas Gifts = DONE.  Now for 2011…