Tag Archives: Earth

Some Bunny Loves You!

15 Sep

Remember that Etsy custom order I made a bit ago of Nicholas the Bunny from Richard Scarry’s book?  Well, I really could not live another *second* without creating more little bunnies, so I simplified the pattern a bit and made a few more!

This one went to a baby girl who will be joining us on Earth very shortly (congrats, Eric & Regina!)


And *this one* just happened to decide he wanted an ice cream cone and a set of fingerless gloves & winter headband to match!

Purple Tweed Bunny Man!


I’m not going to show the gloves or headband because, well, someone is getting it for Christmas and part of the fun of presents is the surprise. But just so you know, they totally match Mr. Tweed. =)

Byron’s Welcome to Earth Blanket

13 Apr

Welllll, a thing happened.

Remember that sweater I was working on?  You know, the one made entirely of single crochets that was slowly sucking out my soul?

As it turns out I misread the pattern size, and instead of having a grown-up sized shrug I ended up with an oompa-loompa sized shrug.


He likes candy, not sweaters.


The thought of frogging the entire project made me sort of queasy, so I repurposed my sad little shrug into a happy, happy Welcome to Earth blanket for my newest nephew, Byron!

As it turns out, oompa-loompa sized shrug patterns are also perfectly sized baby blankets, so I just added a quick dark blue border and… VOILA! Not only did I avoid frogging entirely, I also got a head start on Byron’s blanket!  He won’t be around until fall, but when he gets here he’ll have this awesome little blanket to snuggle.

I was going to add an applique of some kind to dress it up a bit, but after I put the border on I decided I liked the clean, simple look I had going.  Baby boys aren’t really in to frou-frou appliques anyway, right?


Texture = Awesome.



Comfortable Comfort

12 Aug

I’ve discovered the things that stress my husband and I out are, as a general rule, not the same things that stress other people out.  We once, for example, spent an entire evening calculating how much solar power we would lose per day/season/year if we moved back to our home town of Pittsburgh, PA (just a few hours north makes a HUGE difference, let me tell you!).  The results of that evening spurned a month-long debate about what was more important to us: going off-grid & becoming self-sustaining, or having kiddos who lived close to their grandparents.  Apparently that’s an easy answer for most people.

Moving, which we’ll be doing in a few short months (because our landlord decided he’s moving into our basement whether we leave or not.  Fun.), prompts stressful questions like, “Will we be allowed to have chickens?”  “If we tear up the front flower beds and replace them with edible landscaping, will the HOA fine us?”  and “Do you think the neighbors will complain if we put the compost pile on the property line?”

Anyway, our lives have been rather stressful and full of change lately, and when that happens I take comfort in a few things that are totally permanent, and therefore comforting: my tattoos.  (Weird, right?)

– A celtic butterfly I got in college, paid for with the first money I ever made as a writer.  It’s on my lower back, but the pics looked awful, so you’ll just have to guess what it looks like.  YOU try taking a picture of your own back.  =)

– a teeny flower on my foot, which my cousin & my godmother also have on their bodies somewhere.  We got these for my cousin’s bachelorette party:

– a moon with the name “Chibi” wrapped around it.  My sister and I gave these to each other as birthday gifts one year (our nickname for each other is “Chibi,” after Chibi Moon, the character from the Sailor Moon anime).  Yeah, we’re nerds.  But we rock it, yo:

And my newest and favoritest inky pleasure, a wolf howling at the moon.  I got this after my wedding because changing my name stressed me out & I wanted to maintain my link to my (maiden-family? what’s the proper wording there, eh?).  Anyway, my dad’s nickname when he was growing up was “lone wolf,” so there you go.  This one’s on my shoulder:

Add to that a few more rather traditional comfort items:

my planty plants (which are all descendants of the plant my mom gave us as a “happy life together” gift when I moved in with my husband), and

my trifecta of comfort: a delicious chair full of pillows, a home-made afghan, and a shelf full of books.  I think I’ll go snuggle there now, actually.  Cheers! })i({