Tag Archives: Literature


13 Jul

I made my nephew breakfast for his birthday.  =)



Here’s a close-up of the bacon:

does anyone else think the bacon kind of looks like poop?


You can find this pattern on Ravelry.com or Lionbrand.com for free, but you’ll have to create an account at LionBrand to access it.

Anyway.  I’m pretty sure bad bacon is better than no bacon at all. Thoughts?


9 May

See that chair?  It used to be my favorite chair. So comfy. So comforting. So full of goodness and snuggles and warm fuzzies…

I can haz throne?

Now it is my Nina Kitten’s favorite chair.

She has lurvs for the chair (and yes, she’s also claimed my favorite Christmas present– Sad).

When I toss her off the chair (in a gentle, loving way, of course) so that actual people may sit on it, she naps elsewhere (though she does it with a cranky look on her face, don’t you think)?

cranky Nina is cranky.

I know it might be hard to recognize, but that kitten is giving me her best put-out look because I’ve forced her to sleep on her own bed instead of on my favorite chair.  I’m so mean!

See how she glares at me out of the corner of her eye?  Hmm… I wonder… is it over-indulgent of me to purchase a new chair for myself so that Nina can maintain her attachment to the Ninathrone?


It’s possible I’ve gone round the bend.  But seriously… can you blame me?  Nina Simone celebrated her 7 month birthday last Friday, and she is still the most adorable kitten in all the land, isn’t she?  I mean, isn’t she?  =)

Free Pattern Friday: Tiny Beaded Flower Applique

11 Mar

I haven’t gotten much hookery accomplished this week; I’ve been distracted.

delicious distraction!

I did, however, think it fitting to hook a new little bookmark in honor of my newly purchased book (Ohhh, it smells so yummy… I love the smell of books).

Anyway, here’s the tiny flower applique, which if you ch70 and add another flower to the other end, becomes a delightful little bookmark:

Here’s how to make it:

1. Get yourself a bead, a bit of thin thread or yarn, and a “B” hook (2.25mm).

2. BEFORE YOU START CROCHETING, string the bead(s) on your yarn.  If you’re making a bookmark, string two beads.

3. ch3, push a bead up as close to your ch as you can get it, ch 3 more, and sl st to form a ring.

You should now have a chain of…erm…chains around your bead.

4. ch3, 3dc, sl st.  (One Petal).

5. Work four or five more petals around the ring.  If you’re only making an applique, STOP HERE & FO!

6. To make a bookmark, ch70, then repeat steps 3-5 & FO.


I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve got a hot date with Kvothe this evening.

Happy Hooking!