Tag Archives: Cooking

Oh yeah, and eggs too.

19 Jul


Not as cool as toast, but still fairly awesome.

You can find the free pattern for these cute little eggywegs here:

Little Fried Egg

And that about does it for Nephew’s Birthday Breakfast.  I think I’ll make him lunch next year…

Happy Birthday, Nephewsula!



15 Jul

I made my nephew breakfast for his birthday.

See those apples? They’re just evenly increasing circles, folded in half and adorned with little brown “seeds.”

Start with 6 sc in a magic circle (or ch2, then work 6sc into the 2nd ch from hook), and go to town!  You know the drill – sc-inc around, then (sc, sc-inc), then (2sc, sc-inc)… just do the last row with red (or green), embroider yourself some little seeds, and fold that bad boy in half and sew him shut (no need to stuff, but you can if you’d like).

VOILA! Apple slices!


14 Apr

Not only does little Nina purr like it’s going out  of style when we feed her carrots,


I can haz carrots?


She’s apparently also really into strawberries, cuz while Husband, some friends and I enjoyed a bottle of buttery, delicious wine the other night,


With a label like that, it HAS to be good!


Little Miss Nina pilfered a strawberry from our snack stash and thoroughly nommed it.


nom nom nom


I’m beginning to think we’ve gone and adopted ourselves a vegetarian kitteh…


...maybe it's a squirrel flavored strawberry?