Tag Archives: Pittsburgh


19 Apr

Here’s how the last few days have been going around here:

Friday night: do laundry, pack, help Husband fill out security paperwork, realize there’s no food in the house, eat a bit of lettuce for dinner because that’s all you can find, fall into bed exhausted.

Saturday: get up at the a** crack of dawn while yelling, “NO, NO NO!” at your alarm clock, drive to Pittsburgh, go to a wedding, go to a wedding reception, have an intense yet utterly fulfilling conversation with your family, fall into bed exhausted.

(Funny anecdote of the evening, which occurred around 11:45pm):

daD: What are you doing down here, Melissa?

Me: Getting some whiskey.

daD: Why?

Me: There are two crying people on my bed and I can’t sleep.

daD: Do you really think whiskey is the best way to deal with that?

Me: Well… I’M not crying on my bed, and I want some whiskey!

daD: Carry on, then.)

Sunday: get up a few minutes after the a** crack of dawn, pack, attend a baptism, attend a baptism party, begin the drive home, stop in Breezewood at 4:30pm to eat *gasp* DINNER (yeah, yeah.  I’m old), get stuck in traffic, get home, unpack, realize there’s no food in the house, make a crack on facebook about how exciting it is to go to bed before dark, fall into bed exhausted.


Monday: try not to throw the alarm across the room when it goes off, feed the cat (who is cranky about having been left alone all weekend), realize there’s no food in the house, go meet two new clients at work, come home, realize there’s no food in the house, realize there’s no laundry soap in the house, eat some sort of mishmash you’re calling “stir fry,” but is actually the following:

-a half a bag of frozen edamame you found in the back of the freezer

– some black beans you didn’t have enough time to soak properly and are now curiously al dente

– three chopped baby carrots (the *only* food in the refrigerator, btw)

– a can of fire roasted tomatoes

– a tortilla

– some tuna

– a handful of rice, which you threw in with the beans to cook and subsequently turned an interesting shade of purple, and

– some pinto beans.

then, yup, you guessed it: fall into bed exhausted.

So, it’s been an eventful few days.  BUT, some really awesome things happened – the best of which was that I discovered a grocery delivery service!  Yay!

How was your weekend?

An Unexpected Event

4 Apr


An unexpected death in the family had me road-tripping to Pittsburgh late last week (which is why you had no FPF…my apologies), and I only arrived back in DC a few minutes ago.  Since I forgot my camera (as usual), you’ll have to take my word that the following things actually happened:

1. I met  my new nephew, who, in case you were wondering, is UTTERLY awesome.

2. I said good-bye to an old friend by doing a shot of tequila with my moM, daD, brotheR, sister-in-laW, and Chibi. (Yeah, that’s right. My family ROCKS the grieving process).

3. I discovered something that should NEVER be repurposed — an empty weed killer bucket — and taught my 2.5 year old nephew a new phrase.  (“DO NOT REUSE THIS CONTAINER,” which, if you’re two and a half, sounds a lot like, “DOOO ROOoOSE TAINER.”)

4. I hugged some people I haven’t hugged in a long time, told them I missed them, and admired their brandy new almost finished house (and watched their little son lock himself in his closet about sixty thousand times).

5. I shot some coke cans all up, in the name of target practice, with my daD.


Sorry, Coke.

6. I renewed my love/hate relationship with the PA Turnpike.


I hate you, construction.


Here’s to Harvey, who once spent an hour trying to convince me I ought to be a professional beer taster – may the next phase of his journey be everything he hoped for and more.

Happy Beads are Happy!

28 Feb

So, what’s a girl to do with a whole bunch of sentimentally important beads she recently cut out of their hempy, hippie homes?

WHY, make wine glass charms, of course!

…can’t make wine glass charms without a *little* bit of crochet…

And the best part?  These little bad boys are hinged, so they’re easy to remove!

(Why, yes, OBVIOUSLY I had to drink a bit of wine while I made them…)

And, because I never, EVER get carried away, I absolutely did NOT go digging through my craft supplies for more beads, which I ABSOLUTELY did not turn into more wine glass charms.  Nope.  Not even a little bit.


these beads used to be a bracelet...


I removed this butterfly from an anklet to make it bracelet-sized. Let's face it... grown ups don't wear anklets, either.


these guys are from The Bead Mine in Pittsburgh... gosh, I miss Pittsburgh.

AAAAAnywho, no more sad comments, okay friends?  I have now upcycled, repurposed, and otherwise transformed my very favorite beady beads into functional, pretty, *way* more adult-ish type things.  YAY!

Pinot Noir, anyone?  =)