Tag Archives: Autos


29 Apr

Egg ornaments, anyone?

Here’s the pattern, courtesy of my friendly friend (and Easter Brunch hostess with the mostest), Suzanne!

Rnd 1: Ch 2, work 7 sc in 2nd ch from hook.  –OR–  Work 7 sc in a magic ring. (because I heart magic rings)
Rnd 2: Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next 6 sc – 13 sts at the end of this rnd.
Rnd 3: 2 sc in each sc around – 26 sts at the end of this rnd.
Rnd 4: Sc in next 10 sc, dc in next 2 sc, tr in next sc, 2 tr in next sc, tr in next sc, dc in next 2 sc, sc in next 9 sc, sl st in next sc. Fasten off.
Weave in ends and hang with ribbon.
For the first two Suzanne made, she did the egg shaping middle part (dcs and trs) of round 4 in round 3 instead, then did an sc around. She thinks it looks better with the dcs and trs in the last round. I haven’t tried the pattern yet,but I’m going to trust Suzanne’s awesomeness on this one.
Thanks for the pattern, Suzanne, and… Happy the Week After Easter, everyone!

Free Pattern Friday: PEEPS!

22 Apr

Did you know that there’s an entire store at the National Harbor devoted to nothing but Peeps?  Well, okay.  I think they have some Hot Tamales or something too, but really. Why go for anything else when there are Peeps to be had?!?!

where my peeps at?

Here’s a quick little pattern, courtesy of CopperScaleDragon! (You can also find this pattern as a FREE DOWNLOAD at Ravelry.com)



1: skip first ch, sc in next 8 ch, ch1, turn

2: sc inc, 8 sc, sc inc (10). ch 1, turn

3 & 4: repeat row 2

5-9: sc across, ch1, turn (14)

10: sc-dec, 10sc, sc-dec, ch1, turn (12)

11 & 12: repeat row 10 (8)

13 & 14: repeat row 2 (12)

15: sc across, ch1, turn (12)

16: repeat row 2 (14)

17: repeat row 10 (12)

18: sc across, ch1, turn (12)

19-21: repeat row 10 (6)


22: 3 sc, ch1, turn

23: 2 sc, sc inc, ch1, turn (4)

24: sc across, ch1, turn (4)

25: 3 sc, sc inc, ch1, turn (5)

26 & 27: sc across, ch1, turn (5)

28: sc dec, sc, sc dec, ch1, turn (3)

29: 2 sc dec (2), FO.


Attach yarn to the other side of the head and repeat rows 22-29.


Uhm, cheat (ie: use a permanent marker).

Peeps, glorious Peeps!

Now then, friends, say your “Voila” and get out there to enjoy this beautiful spring day!  Hooray!