Archive | February, 2011

Carried Away? NEVER.

22 Feb

Someone donated a ball of yarn to me and I fell in love with it.  I didn’t know how many yards I had, so I figured a scarf was a safe bet.



I hate scarves that are too short.  HATE.  They hurt my soul.  So, to make sure this delicious yarny goodness would wrap my soul in warm fuzzies, I made a scarf that was 6 stitches wide (turned out to be about an inch and a half).  I used the biggest hook the yarn would allow, and did back post double crochets (just to be sure there would be no soul hurting).


Turns out I had more yarn than I thought I did.


Scarfy scarf was a *bit* too big for Nina, too...

So, you might now be asking if there’s such a thing as a scarf that’s too long, to which I say…  NEVER!


just wrap it around your neck sixty times and you'll be fine!

…In other news, someone switched the positions of my lip gloss and the crazy glue, leading to what could have been the flustercluck of the century (I think it was me, actually).  Good thing I know the difference between grape and ethyl cyanoacrylate…

Free Pattern Friday: Granny Shrug

18 Feb

Well friends, I did it!  I completed my first ever crochet sweater!  Check it out!

How cool is that?!  I found this free pattern on Ravelry, and made the following changes:


1. Because I really, REALLY don’t understand short sleeved sweaters (it’s cold enough for a sweater but warm enough for short sleeves?  DOES. NOT. COMPUTE.), I added 15 granny rows to each arm, making them nice and long.


2. Because I had it, and because I thought it looked cool, I sewed on this funky vintage button at the top:



Awww, look how the sun shimmers on this sweatery sweater!  So warm and fuzzy!

The sleeves form sort of a bell-shape!  Groovy, no?

Anyway, apparently there are tons of mad awesome fans of the granny shrug – there’s a whole Flickr group dedicated to them!

And, because I’m uber-proud of myself, here’s one more picture:

Hooray!  Happy hooking, everyone!  Have a most excellent weekend! })i({

Escape from Hook Mountain

15 Feb

Escape from Hook Mountain!

Yeah, that’s what my sweater looks like so far.  Pretty sweet, eh?

Bernat Boucle (dark blue/black multi)

I’ll probably finish it just in time for spring…