Rabbit Recipe: Awesome Picnic

7 Dec

In an effort to improve our diet Husband and I have decided to replace at least 50% of our meals with raw food,

or as my daDdy affectionately refers to it, Rabbit Food.  Each Tuesday I’ll share my latest Rabbit Recipe, along with our raw food successes (and failures).

Enjoy!  })i({






Occasionally, Husband and I discover that none of the food we currently have in the kitchen is in any way appetizing.  This time, we had a weekend literally filled with take-out meals.  I think we hit every major category – Italian, Chinese, Indian (I mean, we have to try out all the places that deliver to the new apartment, don’t we?), and by Sunday night vegetables were in high demand.  Sunday evening grocery shopping, especially when the bulk of your purchase is produce, is a terrible idea, so we ended up with a pretty eclectic dinner…

The raw bits included bowls literally packed with baby carrots, snap peas, and grape tomatoes, which we supplemented with some rye bread, a few bits of delicious cheese, and the last of a bottle of delicious Spanish malbec.

There is no recipe for this meal other than to make sure you wash your veggies before you nom them, but I highly recommend eating  on your couch… That way it feels like a picnic and you don’t have to think too hard about the fact that nothing you are eating actually goes together.



picture this, only with less organization and less variety, then add wine.


One Response to “Rabbit Recipe: Awesome Picnic”

  1. auntbethany December 8, 2010 at 8:26 pm #

    Sometimes my body craves only vegetables! I will have a few days here and there when I detest eating anything but salads and fresh veggies. (These rare days, however, are NOT found anywhere near the holiday season). Your pic makes me crave a veggie tray with Ranch dressing!

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