Tag Archives: Bell pepper

Rabbit Recipe: Garlic & Pepper Soup

9 Nov

In an effort to improve our diet, Husband and I have decided to replace at least 50% of our meals with raw food,

or as my daD affectionately refers to it, Rabbit Food.  Each Tuesday I’ll share my lastest “Rabbit Recipe,” along with our raw food successes (and failures).

Enjoy!  })i({

Garlic & Pepper Soup

You’ll need:

4 red peppers

1c. onion

6 cloves fresh garlic

1/2 Tablespoon fresh rosemary

2 tomatoes

4 Tablespoons olive oil

8 strawberries

4 Tablespoons honey

salt & pepper to taste.

*Put all this stuff in your blender or food processor and pulverize it.  Then, drink it.

Pro Tips:

1. We used green peppers instead of red peppers.  I *hope* that’s why it turned out brown instead of red.

2. Raw garlic is a lot more…garlic-y than roasted, so those six cloves are going to be mighty spicy if you’re not used to eating raw garlic. You may want to use less.  Unless you like spice, of course.  It’s up to you, really.  Do whatever you want.  *grin*

3. I need a Vitamix blender.  Husband and I LOVED the taste of this soup, but struggled with the texture… it would have been much creamier had I used a blender with 2+ HP…

4.  Don’t be afraid.  Strawberries and honey actually DO go with garlic & peppers.  Trust me.  The flavor was awesome.  Now, if we could just figure out how to get past our texture issues…  })i({

Rabbit Recipe: Zucchini Pasta

26 Oct

In an effort to improve our diet Husband and I have decided to replace at least 50% of our meals with raw food,

or as my daDdy affectionately refers to it, Rabbit Food.  Each Tuesday I’ll share my latest Rabbit Recipe, along with our raw food successes (and failures).

Enjoy!  })i({




Rabbit Recipe #1: Zucchini Pasta (our first attempt at eating an entirely raw meal…)


Yes, I put the bowl on the floor to take this picture. No, I'm not ashamed by that.


You’ll need:

-1 or 2 zucchini, shredded (I used 1 zuch and 1 yellow squash)

-1 handful artichoke hearts, chopped to bite size

-1 handful green olives, pitted

– 1 Tablespoon olive oil

– juice of 1/2 lemon

-sea salt to taste

*Throw everything into a bowl and stir.  Serves 3-4.  Serve Immediately.


1. Rinse your olives first.  That is, unless you want your entire meal to taste like an olive.

2. I thought mine needed more color, so I added a shredded carrot as well.  It looked like a pile of scraps, but it tasted yummy!

3: This stuff got soggy very quickly, so if you’re going to store it, I’d recommend storing it in a colander with a plate underneath.  I don’t imagine it would last much longer than about half of a day. I was supposed to eat the rest for lunch but got distracted by a pickle instead, and by dinnertime the next night it was a soggy nightmare.  Sad!

4. YES, I put Parmesan cheese sprinkles on top.  NO, I don’t care if cheese counts as a raw food.  I think we’re still meeting the more than 50% rule here, aren’t we?

5.  I’m pretty sure the piece of cake I had for dessert canceled out all nutritional value from this meal.  Meh.

6. You really can’t go wrong with a meal that only requires this many kitchen tools:


easiest dish night ever!