Tag Archives: awesome

Yeah, Toast!

18 Jul




I didn’t like any of the free patterns I found for toast, so I made up my own.

nom nom nom


I used an “H” hook and some cotton yarn in cream and dark brown.

TOAST (make 2):

ch13, turn

1: 12 hdc, ch2, turn

2: 12 dc, ch1, turn

*repeat rows 1+2 two more times*

3: with “crust” color: sc, hdc, dc, tr, dc, 2hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc, sc, FO.


With “crust” color, sc the two pieces together, working 3sc into each corner and repeating row 3 along the top edge.  Stuff lightly if desired.


Now then.




Oh yeah, and you should probably watch this:


Free Pattern Friday: Granny 1/2 Square Bag

28 Jan

Remember that Half Granny Square Tutorial I did earlier this month?  Well, I ended up with this:


It's a sting ray!

Which, if you fold all three corners in towards the middle and whip stitch them, ends up looking like this:


OMG cute, right?

I added a little handle and a velcro closure (which I reinforced by embroidering that little extra bit of light green you see in the middle — velcro needs something to stick to!), and mailed this off to the second official recipient of my 2011 Handmade Pay It Forward Campaign (Want to get involved?  Use some form of electronic communication to contact me & I’ll tell you all the cool details).

Here are the official pattern directions:

1. Make a 1/2 granny square 15 rows big (look HERE for a refresher on how to accomplish this).

2. sc around the entire 1/2 square & FO.

3: Fold any two adjacent corners in toward each other until they are touching and whip stitch them together through the sc’s (The whip stitches are white on my bag).

4. Fold the last corner in & whip stitch it into place. TURN YOUR BAG INSIDE OUT, making the inside the outside. Or, if you like the way the stitches look, just leave the bag the way it is!

(side note: I just realized I was supposed to switch the laundry two hours ago.  Oops).

5. Where the three corners meet, embroider a little oval or rectangle-y bit to even out the top edge and give some support to your velcro, should you decide to add some.

6. Chain a chain about the size of the circumference of your wrist, FO, & sew to the side of the bag.  VOILA!  (did you say “voila”?  Seriously.  It’s ever so much more satisfying if you say “voila”).


the back of the bag, which is also totally cute. Maybe it should be the front... Hmm...

Aahhh! The cuteness! It hurts my eyes! It's TOO cute! It's just TOO CUTE!!!


Obviously you can make as many rows as you’d like – the bigger the 1/2 square, the bigger the bag.  This size (which I made with a G hook, btw), is the perfect size for make-up.  Or snacks.  Mmmm…snacks.  I love snacks…  })i({