Free Pattern Friday: Fabulous Fingerless Gloves

4 Feb

The Wait is Over!  Print out this pattern, pop in a movie, and get hooking!  By the end of the evening you’ll have an awesomely cute set of Fabulous Fingerless Gloves, which means you won’t feel so bad for watching Coyote Ugly for the seventeenth time…

Ferabeth’s Fabulous Fingerless Gloves

You’ll need:  an “H” hook, a tapestry needle, and a skein of your favorite yarn (I had a skein of 185 yards and had plenty left over)

You’ll want: to put your cell phone somewhere close.  It sucks to have to un-snuggle from the couch and put down the hookery just to answer the phone.  It’s probably a telemarketer anyway.  Put the phone where you can see it so you can utilize caller ID, yo.

1: ch 24, sl st. to join (be careful not to twist your chain).

2: sc around

3-4: dc around in BACK LOOPS ONLY.  (You’ve just completed the cuff).

5-6: dc around in BLO. (2 rows)

7-11: dc around in BLO, dc-inc on last stitch (5 rows)

12: in BLO, dc-inc x4, 20 dc, skip the rest of the stitches, sl st to the 3rd stitch of the next row (you should be skipping a total of 8 stitches).

13: dc around in BLO.

14. dc around in BLO, FO.

***IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THESE BAD BOYS BIGGER (or smaller), just add or subtract stitches in the following places:

ROW 1:  start with 24 & keep track of how many you add or subtract.

ROW 12: complete as written until you get to the 20dc.  At this point, add or subtract your number from row one (for example, if I chained 30 instead of 24 in row one, I would add 6 to my 20dc for a total of 26dc).  Complete the rest of the row as written.

That’s it!  Super Easy, super awesome, super fabulous! (Did you say ‘Voila’?  Come on, say it.  Saaayyyy iiiiiit!)   Happy Hooking, everyone!