Free Pattern Friday: Hemp Market Bag

15 Apr

Finally!  Something you can make out of hemp that won’t brand you a friend of The Dude!

...that sounds exhausting, man...

You’ll need:

-some hempy hemp from hemp town

– a 3.75mm (F) hook

1: ch5, sl st to form a ring

2: *ch 11, sc into loop* 5 times

3: *ch11, sc in the 6th ch of the next loop, ch 11, sc in the sc*

4: *ch 11, sc in the 6th ch of the next loop*

5: repeat row 4 eight times & FO.

Now for the drawstring/handle!

1: ch 60, turn.

2: ch1, dc across, FO.

3: weave through your bag in the second row from the top.  When finished, sew the ends of the drawstring together to form a continuous loop.  Once you pull the drawstring closed, you’ll have enough left over for a neat little handle!

mmm... tomatoes and parmesean...

One Response to “Free Pattern Friday: Hemp Market Bag”

  1. fugzilla April 15, 2011 at 8:07 pm #

    I love this. I need to go get some hemp, now!! 🙂

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