Tag Archives: Pies and Pastry

You Win a Pi(e)!

13 Dec

Well, actually it’s a scarf, but… you could name it Pie, I guess…

Congratulations to Lisa, the proud new owner of a handmade scarf from yours truly!  (Lisa – check your e-mail for details!)

The correct guess is… PI!  Hooray!


whipped cream optional.

I made this snazzy little ornament for my *other* brother in law!  I’m pretty sure he doesn’t read my blog, but if he does he BETTER act surprised when he opens this!  =)


Thanks for all your guesses, friends!  Happy Hondadays!

A Good Idea… Sort of…

28 Aug


If ever you decide to make a potato bacon torte (or a pie, or anything with a crust, really), use caution when carving cute things into your crust.  Think carefully about what it is you’ll be carving later, and decide if you are okay with slicing through it.  This, for example, seemed like a good idea at the time, but made me feel like an awful, awful murderer when I had to slice through it:

Aww, it’s adorable!  Now cut it up and eat it.    It’s possible there is such a thing as *too* happy…

Anyway, check out the recipe for the torte… it’s totally tasty & one of my husband’s favorites.  Just don’t carve happy faces into your crust.  Seriously. })i({