Tag Archives: Bottle cap

Kevin’s New Clothes

21 Jun

I got a new little skin for Kevin… isn’t it pretty?


After peeling out the frame I had a whole inside’s worth of sticker left, and since I’m my mother’s daughter, I couldn’t bear to throw it away.

I also had these, which I made a while back, and whose color scheme was starting to annoy me:

adorable, but not so much with the matching of my kitchen.


Outdated Bottle Cap Magnets + Leftover Sticker Cover = WIN!

Here’s a close up of my favorite fortune ever (I’ve had it since…uhm… well, I’ve had it for so long I can’t remember)!

And there you have it!  New clothes for everyone, a fun way to use something that otherwise would’ve been thrown away, and some excellent advice! Enjoy!

Oh, and FYI: we don’t really keep pictures of shoes on our fridge.  That’s a reminder of what Miss Nina looked like way back in November 2010 when we first brought her home.

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