Free Pattern Friday: Granny Star Ornament + Netflix Freebie

15 Oct

Hi friends!  Sorry I missed yesterday… I had a big post all set to go about my first ever visit to a Hobby Lobby, but then Husband called, and then I got to visit an adorable little baby, and then I got distracted, and then Zoltar overheated (again) and had to be put to bed for the day.  Please forgive me.  In the meanwhile, here’s the pattern for the granny star ornaments I made while in transit for Chibication.   Enjoy! })i({


super cute granny star!




Granny Star Ornament Pattern

1: ch5, sl st to form loop

2: (ch2, 2dc, ch3), (3dc, ch3) x4, sl st to close

3: sl st across to ch3 space, 3dc, ch3, 3dc, ch1, *3dc, ch3, 3dc, ch1 in ch3 sp* around, sl st. to join, sl st to corner space.

4:*4dc, ch3, 4dc in corner sp, 1dc in next sp*

5: detatch & FO, then add a hanger at one of the star tips.

You can stiffen these if you’d like, but you don’t have to!

Also, I got this e-mail from Netflix for a free month for friends and family, so… feel free to partake!  Here’s the link.